So, yes, it's a blog. My blog! Specifically, my not-a-simblr-because-I'm-too-old-and-cranky-to-learn-them-newfangled-whoosits-but-I-know-how-to-Blogger blog, Moppet Sims.
I've been addicted to The Sims and The Sims 2 for ages (and played TS3 for a week or so...). Quite a while back, I had a site called Moppet Sims, where I posted my downloads for the original The Sims. Well, I've also made a few things for Sims 2, which I'm just starting to share with
Mod The Sims. Most of my TS2 stuff will go there, but in order to simplify some of the moderation process I'll be linking back here for the occasional odds and ends. I may even post my older things from The Sims, because why not, and if the mood strikes and I decide to dust off the TS1 Complete Collection, any new The Sims bits I whip up will go here too. (I've actually been feeling super nostalgic lately for Makin' Magic...)
In the meantime, please to enjoy this
Hey, I have a blog! post, because I need a post on my blog in order to finish formatting my blog so that I can start my blog in order to finish that set submission for Mod The Sims so that I can finish that second set I want to submit and then get started on that outfit I want to try to make and my To Do list is a TOTAL NIGHTMARE and I love it.
Like I said, addicted.
Enjoy! (^_^)