07 November, 2017

Suburbia Pets

Sharing my first Community Lot! Suburbia Pets (for download here at Mod the Sims) is a remodel of The Corner Store in Bluewater...

Suburbia Pets exterior

Suburbia Pets interior

I wanted to keep CC super easy for downloaders, so apart from Echo's Rug, everything else is together in one .RAR (about 1.2M). Most items are recolours of mine -- pet beds from this, a rug from here and a painting from there -- which adds up to a bunch of hunting and downloading and matching and deleting and ain't nobody got time for that.

Also including two files that aren't mine. One is a pretty, red roof from Marina's Sims (including with lots is allowed by the FAQ). The other is a KBS towel recolour by Piggi. I don't know what the redistribution policy is on Anke's recolours since she left us, but with her site gone and Sims2Graveyard hiccuping right now, I included the file.


02 September, 2017

Nightblooms Bedroom

New set, new art-y bits! Some are being posted with the rest of the Nightblooms Bedroom (a name I could have made weirder and more pretentious, but it was doing just fine already). More pics, though, to share right here. Please enjoy!

Pictures include Little Brown Owl on Pine Branch by Ando Hiroshige, Facing the Mirror by Ito Shinsui, Florist Pickings by Angela Maritz, Yes I & II and Nuanced II by Brent Nelson, Fiery Dahlias I & II by Silvia Vassileva, and Flowers 1910 by Wu Changshuo.

Nelson's Nuanced II is a recolour of In the Beginning (Base Game). The others use meshes from Sims2Play, which are included in the .RAR. As always, I can't overstate how little credit I deserve for the artwork above. I just Sims'd it.


15 July, 2017

Mucha & Zarris

Another set going up at Mod the Sims, and another set of extra pics going up here! To go with my Witchery Shop OFB Recolours I have some artwork to share...

The scrolls are recolours of Eastern Blossoms by Li Qing (le sigh), from FreeTime, featuring Les Saisons 1987 by Alphonse Mucha. The other two pictures use Painting #21 by Shoukeir (mesh included in the DL). They are Butterfly Montage I & II and Fern Montage I & II by Chariklia Zarris. As always, all credit to the original artists, whose work I can only sim-ify and admire from afar.


06 July, 2017

Lynne & Leger

Not a lot of blogging going on, but I've been sharing quite a bit at Mod The Sims! In fact I've just uploaded a Flamingo Kitchen, and I have a few extras to post...

These pictures use Painting 03 by Shoukeir (Sims2Play) as a mesh, which I've included, and can be found in-game as Square Painting, §860. Absolutely all credit where it's due, the pictures are Modern Bird Floral and Modern Butterfly Floral by Annie Saint Leger and Vintage Pink Bike, Post Card Pink, and Zinnia and Tea Cup by Mandy Lynne.